Saturday, January 18, 2020

Prayer for January 13, 2020

Dear God in Heaven,

I thank You for another wonderful day of school.

I thank You for Shaw University Divinity School.

I thank You for all the faculty, staff, and students.

I thank You for providing a way of escape when we have problems.

I ask that You help us be quiet when we need to be quiet and to listen.

I ask that You help us speak the way You would speak.

I ask that You help us as we read the Scriptures.

I ask that You help us understand the Scriptures.

I ask that You help us retain and recall what we read.

I ask that You help us hide the Scriptures in our hearts and minds.

I ask that You help us be transformed and renewed by Your word.

I thank You for giving us power for learning.

I thank You for giving us power for living.

I thank You for giving us power for loving.

I thank You for listening and for answering this prayer.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today’s Haiku

Listen in silence

Remember: two ears, one mouth

Everyone has pearls

Growing Together

How are you doing today?

How is your weekend going?

When was the last time you listened in silence as someone spoke to you?

My friend Christian told me the words “listen” and “silent” are anagrams. I like this. I cannot listen to you if I am too busy talking. Not only that, I can’t listen to you if I can’t silence my thoughts long enough to hear you and understand. I’m not saying I need to turn off my “thinking cap.” I am saying I should not be thinking about what I want to say while you are speaking.

Well, I attended class on campus today. We have lively discussion in both classes. I believe we heard each other. However, in my opinion I think some people talk too much. So much so that time in class is monopolized. I notice certain people can’t get a word in edgewise or get cut off early.

But you know what? We are training for ministry. We need to learn how to deal with different types of people. We need to learn when to “stand up for ourselves” and when to just let things go.

I was gritting my teeth during the first class. What was I thinking?

I was thinking I was irritated, and I did not have peace. I was thinking some people need to speak up for themselves. I was thinking some people need to gather their thoughts before they speak because although what they had to say was good, they talk too much. I didn't think some people might have needed to hear a long response. Most importantly, the peace of God was not ruling within me so that told me I needed to keep quiet.

Colossians 3:15 (Contemporary English Version)

Each one of you is a part of the body of Christ, and you were chosen to live together in peace. So let the peace that comes from Christ control your thoughts. And be grateful.

I was thinking that self-control is a fruit of Holy Spirit. People who know me call me sweet. I do not want to cause the fruit God gives me to become rotten.

Galatians 5:22-23 (New International Version)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

I need to focus on changing myself. I can best change how people respond to me by changing myself and how I interact with others. How can I change the world and help others when I can’t even change myself and help myself?

Relying on the Scriptures to help me remain calm was my first step. I asked God for more help and I received Scriptures that help me identify the problem and enact a solution. I believe God told me that even though I have a right to my private thoughts, I was dwelling on everything I perceived as wrong. I’m too concerned about people talking too much, but I’m so consumed with my own irritation that I am not listening.

This is not loving. This is not peaceful. I needed peace from Christ to show me how I was in the wrong and what I can do to fix this. I needed peace from Christ to control my thoughts. I needed peace from Christ to help me be present during class. I needed peace from Christ to help Christ in me shine brightly.

I ask you to be mindful of what you do when you get irritated. What do you default to? That is usually what your flesh wants. What is that?

I ask you to make a list and then search the Scriptures to see what they say. Maybe you shut down when people argue with you. Well, there are Scriptures that tell us not to fear people. Scriptures give us power for living and help us become bold. Maybe you binge eat or drink alcohol when you come home from work. Maybe you think you deserve a treat. Maybe you think you need to drink to unwind. Well, Scriptures have plenty to say about alcohol consumption and excessive eating!

As you to read the Scriptures, ask God to help you hide them within your mind and heart. That way God can bring them to your remembrance when you need help. Ask God to help you understand what you read. Ask God to give you wisdom. When you can understand and properly apply what you have read then you are demonstrating wisdom.

I would love to read in the comments how the Scriptures have helped. I also want to read how applying the Scriptures in your life have given you power for living. Don’t be a stranger!

Monday, January 13, 2020

Prayer for January 13, 2020

Dear God in Heaven,

I thank You for being our rest.

I thank You for being our source of peace.

I thank You for recovery, renewal and restoration.

I ask that You help me receive those blessings.

I ask that You teach me how to enjoy those blessings.

I thank You for hearing my prayer.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today’s Haiku

No haiku today

Too hot and humid for me

I'll be back later

Growing Together

How are you doing today?

What are you doing right now?

As you can see, today’s haiku claims I have no haiku for us today. This tickles me.

I live in North Carolina and we have been having storms today. Rain is in the forecast for most of the week. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray Australia will begin to enjoy steady, refreshing rain right now.

North Carolina has been having strange weather this month. It’s been hot and humid. The air feels thick and heavy. The sky looks strange to me and a few times I thought we would have tornado weather.

As you know, classes started last week. I completed assignments for one class. I have some books arriving tomorrow so I can start working on two other classes. A fourth is slow going. I have a lot I need to do, but I need to rest.

What do you do when you have a lot to do in a short amount of time? Do you do all you can while you can? Do you have a plan? Do you make a schedule?

Do you set aside time to rest?

I almost started not to post anything today. I do not do well in certain types of weather. My ears have been popping and my joints are sore. My back is starting to hurt right now. I am thankful the allergy symptoms went away earlier today. I thank God for that.

What comes to mind for you when you think of rest?

If you are like me, you think of sleep. How often do we equate relaxation and refreshment with rest? Eating food and drinking water helps me with refreshment. Taking care of my personal needs helps me too. Stretching my body will help ease my physical pain. Praying throughout the day is very important to me. When I go to bed tonight, I will ask God to help me to relax and to receive from Him. I will ask God to help me receive rest and His perfect shalom peace.

If you do not see a new post for Tuesday, please know I am studying and taking some time to rest and recover.

How will you rest, relax, and refresh yourself this week?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Prayer for January 10, 2020

Dear God in Heaven,

I thank You for giving me permission to give my worries to Jesus Christ.

I thank Jesus Christ for willingly taking all my problems.

I thank You for providing relief and remedy.

I need help now.

Please give me more of Your wisdom.

Please help me to not hang on to the things I worry about.

Please help me remember to give my worries to Jesus Christ.

Please teach me how to not take those worries back.

Please teach me and help me be quiet when I need to be quiet.

Please teach me what to say when I need to speak.

Please help me receive and enjoy the relief and remedy You provide to me.

Please help me receive and enjoy the peace You give to me.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today’s Haiku

I feel so nervous

I don't feel ready for this

Class starts tomorrow

Growing Together

Tomorrow is the day! I am very anxious about going back to class. I am still recuperating from surgery. I also have a medical procedure coming up later this month. I had two bad dreams about school today, adding to my anxiety.

What would you do if you were me?

What did I do?

I did not take a “chill pill.” I took a GosPill (Gospel) and cried out to the LORD.

The Apostle Peter gives instructions to the Elders and the laity in I Peter Chapter 5. The remedy is found in verse 7: 

“God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.” (Contemporary English Version)

I still have some apprehension, but it is not as strong now. Matthew 6:25-34 is a popular Scripture passage pertaining to worries. Jesus is telling us to not worry and he explains why.

I want to speak on Matthew 6:31. The King James Version (KJV) says

“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink: or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?”

Other translations do not say, “Therefore take no thought, saying, […]” When I did some comparisons, I saw phrases such as, “Therefore do not be anxious (or do not worry, or do not START to worry), saying […]”

What is this about? 

I can see Jesus giving us examples of things we should not be saying when we are anxious. I can see Jesus giving us examples of things we do not need to worry about.

However, I notice the Good News Translation says, “do not start to worry.” Other translations say, “do NOT worry” (emphasis mine). I could interpret this to mean we have the right to be concerned about things, but we should not worry over them. But what about the people who suffer from anxiety disorders or who tend to practice catastrophic thinking? I believe the Lord would never ask us to do something we are not capable of doing. So, either the Lord is asking some people to do something they cannot possibly do without divine intervention or something else is being said here.

I was taught that when we speak our anxieties, we are giving life to them because the power of life and death are in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21). My Old Testament Hebrew professor taught me that the King James Translators did a good job with the New Testament Greek (the Hebrew is another matter). Let’s look at the words of Jesus as translated in the KJV in Matthew 6:31 again:

“Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink: or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?”

I want to focus on “Therefore take no thought, saying[.]”

  1. Jesus told us not to take thoughts.
  2. How do you take a thought?
  3. Jesus enhances his instructions by showing us how we take thoughts.
  4. We take thoughts by speaking them out loud.

I believe that when we speak thoughts and feelings out loud, we make them more concrete and give them life and power.

Consider this, let’s say I prayed that God would give me a better job. I go out with some friends who ask me about my job search, and I say, “It’s hopeless. There are no jobs out there and I am trapped.”

Don’t you think God heard me say that? I asked Him to help me and then I say there are no jobs and the situation is hopeless. Could it be that God heard me and says, “She believes there are no jobs and the situation is hopeless. Okay then. She will have what she has faith for – nothing.”

The takeaways for me today are:

  1. Ask God for help.
  2. Do not become angry when I do not get the full manifestation of the help right away.
  3. Be more mindful of what I say. 
  4. The words I speak show what I believe.
  5. The words I speak give life to my thoughts.
  6. My spoken words can negate my prayers.

What have you learned today?

Will you think twice before you speak?

Monday, January 6, 2020

Prayer for January 6, 2020

Dear God in Heaven,

I thank You for caring about how I feel.

I thank You for caring about what happens in my life.

I thank You for giving me Your strength.

I ask that You take away the unhealthy unbelief that is within me.

I ask to receive more of Your strength.

I ask that You strengthen the faith You give me.

Your perfect love casts out fear.

I ask that You take away my fear.

I ask to receive Your perfect shalom peace.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today's Haiku

As trouble floods in

God will keep me in His hands

There’s no need to fear

Growing Together

Sometimes I think fear ties God’s hands because we show we do not trust God. By fear, I mean fear that is out of control. I mean fear that we do not ask God to handle. I mean fear that we hang onto and fully feel without letting it go.

When I say, “Tie God’s hands,” I am saying we put ourselves in a position to not be able to receive what God is giving to us. Our prayer may have already been answered but we cannot receive.

What are you afraid of right now?

Are you concerned about the environment? Perhaps you live in Australia and fear losing your home, your possessions, your livelihood, or even your life. Perhaps you live in Puerto Rico and fear another earthquake.

Are you afraid the United States and Iran will go to war against each other?

What does God say?

Isaiah 41:10 (King James Version)

“Fear thou not, for I am with thee [you]: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea [yes], I will help thee; yea [yes] I will uphold thee [you] with the right hand of my righteousness.”

God does not want us to be afraid, disillusioned, anxious, or panicked.

God wants us to receive the strength He provides.

It is okay to feel emotions of fear, anxiety, etc. But we should not hang onto them. We need to give the emotions to God. We need to give God the situation. Maybe God must fix our mess. Maybe God wants us to do something ourselves. The point is, we must have faith and trust God so we can receive His perfect peace while we are in peril. We must have faith and trust God so we can receive the answer to prayer.

Will you join me today?

What will you do the next time you feel sad, anxious, frightened, or disillusioned?

Will you choose to give God your troubles and cares today?

Will you choose to put your faith in God and trust Him to provide solutions to your problems?

Will you choose to trust God and receive His righteousness today?

Wintley Phipps performing "No Need to Fear." Video credit Maranatha Volunteers International.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Prayer for January 3, 2020

Dear God in Heaven,

I thank You for being a good God.

I thank You for being a loving God.

I ask that You send more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to our government and military leaders.

I ask that You soften their hearts and help them implement peaceful solutions.

I ask that Your justice and mercy come swiftly.

I ask that Your perfect peace comes swiftly.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today's Haiku

  The winds of war blow

I will fan the flames of love

Glowing with God’s love

Growing Together

The winds of war are blowing. The United States took military action against Iran last night.

President Donald J. Trump stated Iranian General Qasem Soleimani was plotting harm against US service members and diplomats. He also stated Soleimani facilitated terror attacks against other nations.

A lot of people are saying what happened last night will contribute to war. I will not speak on politics.

Today is the third of the month, so I have been reading Proverbs 3. Proverbs 3:29 says, “Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you.” (New International Version)

Our human nature wants us to hurt people when they hurt us. But someone has to say, “No. I choose not to hit back. I choose not to perpetuate violence. I choose not to add to another person’s pain.”

News reports say Iran has vowed to retaliate. More American troops from Fort Bragg are being sent to the Middle East. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray that God keeps all troops safe from all harm and danger.

Will you join me today?

Will you choose not to retaliate?

Will you choose not to add to another person’s pain and suffering?

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Prayer for January 2, 2020

Dear God in Heaven,

I thank You for life.

I thank You for love.

I thank You for blessing me.

I thank You for keeping me.

Please help me to be gentle.

Please help me to love.

Please help me enjoy the love You send.

Please help this world know and enjoy Your love.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.


Today's Haiku

Gentle as a breeze

The LORD blesses and keeps me

I enjoy God’s love

Growing Together

 How do you love? 

What is your love like?

Does your love add value to life with its gentle breeze?

Or does your love control and overwhelm like strong wind?

I often feel smothered when people tell me what to do. Sometimes people provide genuine help. Sometimes people want to control.

I think we tend to think about what we can do to help but neglect to think about how we come across when we provide help. Sometimes the best way for us to help is to do nothing.

We are providing love when we help ourselves and others.

What will you do to provide love for yourself today?

What will you do to help someone else today?

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

My New Year’s Prayer for Us

Dear God in Heaven,

You created me in your image.

I choose to do better.

I choose to be better.

I choose to love better.

I ask that Your heart becomes my heart.

I ask that Your love forever flows within me.

I ask that Your love forever flows through me.

May I use this love to be a light in the darkness.

I ask and receive in the name of Jesus Christ.
