Wednesday, December 2, 2020

25 Days of Christmas Music - Day 3

December 3 - Alexander O'Neal - Thank You For A Good Year

As we live during the rest of this year, let us be thankful that we are ALIVE. Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.

Dear God, I thank You for keeping us alive. I praise You, for You are good and You are love.

I pray that we continue to live and to declare the works of the LORD. I pray that all who have had COVID-19 virus infections do not have any aftereffects of the disease. I pray none of these people die. I pray they are no longer contagious. 

I also pray no one else comes into contact with the virus. I pray no one else becomes sick or contaminated because of the virus. Please help us receive and benefit from Your divine protection. LORD, if the virus is from an unnatural source I ask that You rebuke the virus and its source. 

LORD, I ask that You help us redeem the time. I pray we receive beauty in exchange for our ashes. Help us enjoy a life worth living. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.

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